Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Biking - May 2009 - Scotland!

MAY 2009 - 10 days in SCOTLAND

The whole point of getting my FULL (!) licence was to go and see the UK on two wheels.  After a bit of a delay to my course due to the UK trying to align themselves with the new European testing procedures which they failed to do because the UK's testing centres weren't ready, I finally did a 3 day course in biking with a test at the end and PASSED in November 2008!!!! :-)  Booked some leave for May and planned to find a bike to ride.  After buying and quickly selling a Ducati Monster, Guy suggested I try a new triumph Bonneville...it was Gr8!  He was looking for a bike too and decided we should do Scotland on a pair of Bonnevilles!
Left home, got on the M40 (first motorway on a bike!) and headed North, didn't stop till we got to a service station at Gretna Green 300 miles later....found a room and fell asleep!

Stopped for a cuppa at the Cluanie Inn

Set up camp on the Isle of Sky and then headed off to the bar to try out the whiskey...it was all good!

Probably the only night we camped on the whole trip and we carted the kitchen sink with us the whole way around Scotland!

Just packing up to leave Isle of Skye...do you reckon we've got enough stuff with us?

We were heading up and over the "Bealach na Ba" pass to AppleCross, on the Applecross Peninsula in Wester Ross.  Single track, with switch backs and a few nice hairpins, it became interesting when we met a car coming he opposite way!

Guy clowning around!

There were so many views like this along the North coast of Scotland....just a beautiful site every single time!

Very Scottish!

Another B&B and a whiskey on the house...CHEERS!

My first ferry trip with a bike.....it was raining and I wasn't sure the bikes tyres wouldn't slip on the wet paint...we found some cover and parked underneath it for the ferry ride

HOME...and very happy...it was a fab trip!

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