Wednesday, February 8, 2012

September 07 - October 07

It is September 2007 and before we moved in we had lots of DIY to do!  Warren cottage is a going to be a great place to live!
This is going to be the kitchen

A new floor to replace the rotten one in the kitchen area, think it must have got really damp over the years

Replacing some wall that had rotted gave us a chance to put in some insulation, the house doesn't very much!

More rotten floor to replace.  Wow, no wonder I can hear the mice, they're right under my feet!

More structural work and a bit more insulation, this will be the only warm room in the house!

Guy in the living room with the snug area behind him and a door through to the hall on his right

The old pump, 20 pumps would get water from the outside roof collecting tank to inside the house, it worked really well....I didn't like the look of the water though!  We used bottled water until we had the borehole sunk and water attached to the house!

Kitchen door and entrance to the house

Living room snug area, pic taken from the door to the hall

The hall, a REALLY chilly area

This would become our bedroom it looks out to the view

The door to our bedroom off the hall and the lovely fireplace

The chimney needed some mortar and a new pot, Guy's climbing skills and head for heights came in handy!

Guy's homemade scaffold worked a treat and made for a very safe job!

Guy's got his harness on because those old asbestos tiles and wooden roof didn't look too secure, but looking at the chimney stack he's attached too isn't that reassuring either

The scaffold wasn't cheap to make, but it sure was good!

That old pot had to go, but I re-used it as a bird bath!

Guy's working out how to tackle it, it was a heavy pot and his perch wasn't that steady!

Pot removed and it was time to get the chimney liner installed, this wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be!  I was downstairs in the living room shoving it up and getting showered in sooty bits! It was sharp at the end and a bit unwieldy!

Guy put duck/gaffer tape on the end of the chimney liner where it's really sharp, good idea!

Guy mortared in a slab and set the log burner on top of it, attached the flue and then we had, at last, as source of heat!   This log burner is Guy's best ever purchase in the last 10 years he said!

My Dad, Chris Hodgson, he helped with so many things; kitchen installation, putting in a consumer unit, wiring up the house,  putting in electric heaters and all the lights, lots of woodwork, there wasn't much he wasn't involved with, Guy and I were very grateful for all his help, it made for a much quicker job.  Many hands make light work!

Our first electric socket

First electric lights!  Oil lamps were installed on the walls when we arrived, but they weren't practical for our needs, so we had to take them down, which was a shame, but, living in this house was temporary after all, eventually the whole house was going to have to be replaced as it was mortgageable!  We had to keep this thought in mind with all the DIY, there was no point in going OTT, in a couple of years it would all be gone!

Curtains are now up in every room, thank you Mum for your hours of ironing there!  It's also time to try out the second log burner stove!

The hard workers, Guy and Dad!

Dad's installing a heater in the shower room, Guy and I are forever grateful for this idea as there's ice on the windows in this room during the winter and in the morning it makes all the difference to turn the heater on whilst we're in that space

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